Have you ever wondered whether there’s any truth to the URBAN LEGENDS of Norfolk and Suffolk? Yes? Then you’re in the right place, because Norman Balls Knows It Alls.*
My name is Balls. Norman Balls. I am the foremost scholar of all things myth, legend and urban legend across the fascinating lands of East Anglia. Is there a Black Shuck? Do willo-the-wisps haunt the Bacton Woods? Where can I see the ghost of the Grey Lady? And does the Hateful Thing really stalk the streets of Dereham at night? All these questions and MORE are answered right here on ballsknowsitalls.net.
* No guarantees provided, because even though Mr Balls knows it all he will sometimes hold back some information to protect his sources. He cannot be sued for any claim arising on this website, so don’t even try it.
“I am one of the foremost experts of Norfolk tradition and history, as referenced in the Eastern Daily Press.”